Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities)

When grouped by financial entities, the reporter’s disclosed projects displays the reporter’s active financial entities and for each entity lists all the active projects and the relationship of the project to the financial entity. The default display of the disclosed projects is by projects.

The user needs to click on the “financial entity” button on the right of the header to make the system display projects grouped by financial entities.

Figure 1039 COI Update Master Disclosure > Disclosure Page > Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities)  >Financial Entities


Table 302 COI > COI Master Disclosure > Disclosure Page >Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities) >Financial Entities field descriptions



Entity Name

This column displays the name of the reporter’s financial entity. Click on the show  button to see further details about each event such as questionnaire specific to the event and the financial entities and their relationships.

Entity number

This column displays the numeric identifier tied to the reporter’s financial entity.


Clicking on the show  button beside the financial entity will display all of the reporter’s active projects, the questionnaires specific to the project and financial entity relationship of each of the projects to the financial entity.

Figure 1040 COI Update Master Disclosure > Disclosure Page > Disclosed Projects (Grouped by Financial Entities)  >Financial Entities  - projects




Project Details:


Financial Entities