• Ability to create a new KFS Account document from a KC Award document: The KC Award document and its data can be used to populate an Account maintenance document in KFS automatically by way of the click of a button in the Award document.
• Ability to create a new KFS Budget Adjustment document from a KC Award Budget document: The finalized KC Award Budget document becomes the source of the eventual KFS Budget Adjustment document for the KFS account budget representing those project funds. The variance of object codes between the two systems are mapped to eliminate user guesswork and manual entry.
New maintenance document called FinancialObjectCodeMapping Maintenance
Document: Allows for
mapping KFS Object Codes to KC Object Codes.
New field in KC Object Code table: >
Allows for storage, retrieval and
display of associated (mapped) KFS object codes as a column field within each
New maintenance document called CFDA maintenance document:
Allows for manual
control over reference table to support selection.
• New CFDA batch job: Allows for automatic updating from cfda.org website to ensure latest data is available in reference table.
New “post” button action result in Award Budget: The
post command button
appears on the Budget Actions page of the Award Budget Document and posts to the
New e-doc section in Award: New Create Account tabbed section on Award Actions
page of the KC Award document with create account
• Ability to use KFS objects in KC Award module: Due to the mapping of KFS object codes, KC users are now able to select them as cost elements for preparation of awards.
• Cross-application doc search, inquiry, and retrieval: The doc search results now offer retrieval of records from KC in KFS, with links that allow them to be opened in a new browser window.