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New Project Disclosures to Complete


The “New Project Disclosures to Complete” provides a list of project records that are institutionally identified as needing a review for financial conflict of interest. The KC system utilizes the status of the records flagged by your institution as the mechanism to generate the items appearing on the new project lists. For example, Development Proposals that have been submitted into workflow for review and approval may appear as requiring a disclosure, but works that are still “in-progress” will not. Additionally, fully approved and submitted development proposals would not appear in the Proposals list, but in the Institutional Proposal list. If you do not see a record in the list that requires a disclosure, a Manual Disclosure may need to be created. Manual Disclosures are covered in a separate section.


To access this page, the Reporter must navigate using the following path:

 > > >


Figure 590 Researcher > Conflict of Interest > My Disclosures > New Project Disclosures to Complete


The Reporter’s New Projects for Disclosure page contains subsections for each disclosure type; (Development) Proposals, Institutional Proposals, Awards, (IRB) Protocols, and IAUCUC Protocols.

Disclosures will be listed in a category, and based on the status of each record type, as maintained in your local parameter configuration.



Figure 591 COI New Projects for Disclosure > collapse all view

Factors that trigger a project to appear within “New Projects For Disclosure”

The appearance of proposals, Institutional Proposals, Awards, IRB protocols and IACUC protocols, hinges upon 3 main factors – the individual project status codes, whether the project is sponsored by a particular sponsor or all sponsors and the relationship of certain projects (proposal, institutional proposal and award) in Medusa.

Ø Project Status Codes

The following parameters accessible through System Admin allow institutes to which statuses they want the project to be in, in order to appear within the list of new projects to disclose.







tip.png For example the parameter PROPOSAL_DISCLOSE_STATUS_CODE contains the values1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 8; 13. These values relate to the Proposal Status values maintained within the Maintenance table Proposal Development Status. A proposal development status value of “1” stands for “In Progress”. Having the value  “1” in the list of status values in PROPOSAL_DISCLOSE_STATUS_CODE, means that proposal which are in progress will appear within the New Project Disclosures To Complete.


Ø Project Sponsor

              Implementing institutes can choose to trigger a project disclosure for specific sponsors or for all

              Sponsors. The following parameters accessible through System Admin enable this feature:   






tip.png    For example to trigger disclosures only for proposals sponsored only by NIH, the parameter ALL_SPONSORS_FOR_PROPOSAL_AWD_DISCLOSE should be set to “N” to indicate that only specific sponsors should trigger a proposal or award disclosure. The parameter SPONSORS_FOR_PROPOSAL_AWD_DISCLOSE should contain a term that cross-references to the Sponsor Hierarchy Maintenance table. If the value “COI Disclosures” is defined as parameter value for SPONSORS_FOR_PROPOSAL_AWD_DISCLOSE, the Sponsor Hierarchy maintenance table should contain the sponsor value for “NIH” under a Sponsor Hierarchy value of “COI Disclosures”.


                Figure 592 System Admin page/Parameters/ALL_SPONSORS_FOR_PROPOSAL_AWD_DISCLOSE





                 Figure 593 System Admin page/Parameters/SPONSORS_FOR_PROPOSAL_AWD_DISCLOSE









          Figure 594 KC Maintenance/Miscellaneous/Sponsor Hierarchy


Ø Medusa linkage

For projects (proposals, institutional proposal and awards) linked through Medusa, if a disclosure has been submitted for either proposal, institutional proposal or award, the reporter is not asked to disclose for the other projects.

  tip.png   Consider the scenario where a reporter opens their “New Project Disclosures to Complete” and finds a proposal, institutional proposal and award (which are all linked through Medusa). If the reporter creates and submit a disclosure for one of the projects, and the reporter re-open the “New Project Disclosures to Complete”, the other projects linked through Medusa will not appear anymore.



Figure 595 COI New Projects for Disclosure > expand all view




New Proposals for Disclosure

Create a New Proposal Disclosure

Disclosure Actions

Disclosure Actions tab

New Institutional Proposals for Disclosure

Create a New Institutional Proposal Disclosure

Disclosure Actions

Disclosure Actions tab

New Awards for Disclosure

Create a New Award Disclosure

Disclosure Actions

Disclosure Actions tab

New (IRB) Protocols for Disclosure

Create a New IRB Protocol Disclosure

Disclosure Actions

Disclosure Actions tab

New IACUC Protocols for Disclosure

Create a New IACUC Protocol Disclosure

Disclosure Actions

Disclosure Actions tab