The Action List screen is where you receive action requests for e-docs. It provides summary information about each document that requires your attention. It displays columns of information in a table format that provides a quick view of the type of document, its title, status, the type of action that is being requested of you, who initiated the document, and a way to view its route information. It also indicates whether you’ve received a request because you are delegate or a member of a group. From this screen, you are able to
Figure 44 Action List Button Location
The Action List is accessible from the header area of most KC screens by click the action list button.
Figure 45 Action List Screen Layout Example
The Action List screen displays a table with 10 columns of information. It also displays buttons at the top, right that allow for customization of the screen. Additionally, page navigation tools are provided when the number of action requests exceeds the single page display limit.
For detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to use the Action List screen, see “Using the Action List” on page Error! Bookmark not defined. in Common E-Doc Operations. |
When you receive action requests for KC actions through your Action List, summary information about the documents in your Action List is provided, such as document type, title, route status, the type of action requested of you, who initiated the document, when it was created and whether or not you’ve received this request because you are a Delegate or a member of a workgroup.
To use the action
1. |
Click the action list button from the toolbar on any KC screen. |
The workflow system retrieves all of the documents that you have initiated and saved, and any documents that are routed to you to approve, acknowledge or FYI: Figure - Documents in the Action List that are pending action. |
2. |
Click the Document ID link to open the document (for example, 4073).
A different set of buttons appears in the bottom of the document depending on your roles and the requested action: Figure – Workflow action buttons
End of activity. |
3. |
Click one of the workflow action buttons (for example, approve) to complete your usage of the action list by taking action on a particular document. |
Show/Hide Button
Click the show button in the left column to display action quicklinks (for
example, to Copy Proposal)