When one person leaves a key role and is replaced by another person at your institution, it is sometimes advantageous to submit a proposal or prepare an award for transfer in anticipation of completion of the hiring process for a new employee. In the event a person is assigned two different ID numbers, it is sometimes advantageous to remove the duplicate ID so that each individual has only a single ID number. The Person Mass Change functionality alleviates these situations by providing an efficient means for replacing one person with another across multiple modules (functional area electronic documents) in KC.
Employee & Non-Employee Selection & Replacement: A Person Mass Change allows Unit and Central Admin staff to update various modules and person types when an individual changes from one person to another in one or more roles (employee to employee, non-employee to non-employee, employee to non-employee and non-employee to employee).
Access Link: The Perform Person Mass Change link in the Quicklinks group (Unit and Central Admin menus) causes the Person Mass Change document to appear. Central Administrators are responsible for high level maintenance of the research administration system modules, and as such have appropriate access to change data maintained and accessed from the Central Admin main menu in KC as change requests are approved per institutional business rules.
Figure 119 Location of Link to Person Mass Change (Central Admin menu > Quicklinks group > Perform Person Mass Change)
E-Doc: The Person Mass Change document is used to maintain person roles for each module. More specifically, it is used to substitute one person’s data for that of another person in all areas it appears, whether for an employee (Person maintenance document table) or non-employee (Rolodex maintenance document table). In other words, you can replace one person with another for roles in any of the following e-docs (transactional documents): Award, Institutional Proposal, Proposal Development, Proposal Log, Subaward, Negotiation, Committee, Protocol, Schedule and/or Unit.
Figure 120 Person Mass Change document - Layout
E-Doc Pages: The Person Mass Change document has two pages that allow you to:
• New Person Mass Change: Make a new person mass change by specifying roles by module and selecting the person to be replaced and person to replace that person with
• View Person Mass Change: View a record of all previously-made person mass changes
Replacement Restrictions: There are limitations on which types of replacements are permitted. Many replacements are not applicable due to various rules for each role on each e-doc. Enforcement of these rules are built in to the system so that when you attempt to save, submit, or blanket approve for a selected replacement that does not adhere, you are notified with module/role combination of error messages in the notification area for each module (e-doc) subsection. These alert you to the reasons why a replacement cannot be made. For example: |