Project Vision, History and Partners


Vision:  As the vision statement from its successful proposal to the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation asks,

    "What if any and every college and university could use, without fee, an outstanding research administration system that embodies the 'best of' techniques and processes for research administration, while maintaining the flexibility to fit disparate institutional structures and needs?”

    "This is entirely possible via a community source partnership to pool resources, requirements, and execution of an efficient development process. The software and community developed through this process could meet college and university needs while providing an economically sustainable path for the future."

History:  KC development began in July, 2007 following practices in-line with the Kuali Architecture and Development Standards. In particular, KC follows the modular design and phased releases that the Standards promote. The KC system includes the key modules from Coeus functionality and approved enhancements. Each module is developed during its designated Phase by both a functional committee and a development team working in concert.

Partners:  Founding partners contributing resources and staff to coordinated project teams are: 

      The University of Arizona

      Cornell University and the Weill Medical College

      Indiana University

      Iowa State University

      Massachusetts Institute of Technology

      Michigan State University

      Colorado State University

      University of California, Berkeley

      University of California, Davis

      Coeus Consortium

      Huron Consulting Group

      West Virginia University