Searching for a Maintenance Document


Searching for a maintenance document may be accomplished by clicking on a link for the type of maintenance document you want to view, conducting a search from the lookup screen, and clicking on a search result value drill-down link.  Follow this procedure when you want to locate and view a record when the type of maintenance document is already known.

  To search for a maintenance e-doc:



Select the desired maintenance e-doc by clicking a link from within one of the menu groups on the Maintenance screen (for example, Proposal Type).



The lookup screen for the maintenance e-doc you selected appears:


Enter appropriate search criteria (or leave blank to retrieve all) and then click search.






End of activity.


Click the link (underlined value in the left column of the search results table) for the value you want to view (for example, 1).

A pop-up window appears that displays the value details (code value and description):