Types of Documentation Included


Interspersed throughout you will find the following three basic types of user documentation (typically appearing in this general-to-specific order):

      Conceptual documentation includes introductory, summary, overview and reference information that is used to support user understanding. It documents guidelines that: 1) enhance the completion of a task and 2) are best maintained independently so as not to interrupt the flow of learning. It does not provide how-to instruction, is not sequential, and is often in the form of a table. It often appears as a paragraph or two at the very beginning of a topic, or sometimes at the end of a printed user guide in the form of appendices.

      Process documentation contains high-level overviews of process steps and flow charts. It is necessary only if the activity 1) is complex, 2) involves risk, or 3) must be performed in a consistent manner. It details sequential actions written as a series of tasks; and may involve multiple departments and/or users.  This type of content usually contains overview information and business rules.

      Task documentation contains specific, detailed instructions with notes and action results that guide you through screen navigation to accomplish tasks. These often appear as numbered (ordered) lists of steps.  It is necessary only when the use of the system involves a task that: 1) involves user input action (data entry) by a single performer, 2) is complex, 3) involves risk, 4) must be performed in a consistent manner, 5) is best documented as a separate, stand-alone topic, and/or 6) when the task detail is referenced in multiple procedures or is subject to frequent change.

About Role-Based User Documentation:  This comprehensive documentation set is meant to cover basic usage of all functionality that is accessible via the user interface.  It is meant to serve as a source from which smaller, customized, role-based user documents and quick reference guides may be created by the implementing institution.