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Correspondences are letters generated from within the application through various actions. These letters are customizable by each institute and are generated automatically by the system. For e.g. for an IRB protocol, the most common use case for a correspondence is the Approval action. When a protocol is approved, an approval letter containing appropriate verbiage is automatically generated by the system. The letters appear in PDF format and contain the verbiage per institutional needs.


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Once generated the correspondences are displayed within the Summary and History section of the protocol. If multiple correspondences are generated within a protocol’s lifecycle, they appear within the Summary and History in chronological order.


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Some of the other correspondences that are commonly used by institutions are for Closure action, for Specific Minor Revisions (SMR), for Substantial Revisions Required (SRR) etc. Correspondences are closely associated with protocol action and different correspondences can be maintained for different protocol actions.


How Correspondences are maintained within Kuali Coeus