Key Term, Role & Acronym Definitions & Synonyms
Overview: This glossary is a compilation of the business terminology relevant to the Kuali Coeus (KC) system. It also includes any technical terminology that users of the system must understand as well as some general research administration terminology. Terms include common abbreviations, acronyms and roles, while definitions may include synonyms.
The maintainers of
this archive are not necessarily the authors or maintainers of the individual
term or acronym definitions appearing in this glossary. To correct or
contribute to this document, send an e-mail to
Contributions of others may be copyright of those individuals. You may
copy and distribute this document in any form provided you acknowledge this
source. Exclusion of a term does not necessarily mean it is not acceptable.
Purpose: The purpose of the KC Glossary is to foster common understanding of terminology between the users and developers of the system. Terms are listed alphabetically by term, acronym or abbreviation, not by meaning. These are general in nature, as compared with the usage-specific descriptions found in field definitions for each screen, e-doc page, or section.
Context-sensitive, functional field
descriptions can be found interspersed throughout the KC Online Help and User
Documentation set. Refer to the appropriate topic by screen, page or tab
name for the corresponding field to locate the field definition table in that
Click on a term to display its definition:
Association for the
Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs
Authorized Institutional Official
Authorized Representative Name and
CAS - Central Authentication Service
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Clinical Research Center (CRC)
Committee Members Term of
Computer Retrieval of
Information on Scientific Projects
Conflict of Interest (COI)
Conflict of Interest Committee
Environmental Protection Agency
Federal Wide Assurance (FWA) Number
FlexRM (Flexible Route Module)
Funding Opportunity Announcement
Funding Opportunity Announcement
IDE (Investigational Device Exempt)
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Automated
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Exclusion by
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Exclusion by
Indirect Cost Recovery (ICR) Type
Institutional Animal Care and Use
Institutional Biosafety Comittee
Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Investigational Device Exemption
Investigational New Drug Number
KCB - Kuali Communications Broker
Kuali Base System Financial Policies
Material Transfer Agreement (MTA)
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)
Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Office for Human Research
Optional Rule Extension Attribute
Principal Investigator- Contact
Principal Investigator-Multiple
Required Rule Extension Attribute